ISO 27001 Certification

Privacy and trust are extremely important if you want to build relationships and share knowledge. Networkapp take care of these aspects, so that you can put all your energy into networking.

Since it was founded in 2012, Networkapp has prioritised privacy, security and information protection. Om dat te beheersen en continue te verbeteren maken we gebruik van een Informatie Beveiligings Management Systeem en beheersmaatregelen volgens de ISO 27001 norm. To control and continuously improve in this area we use an Information Security Management System (ISMS) and controls based on the ISO 27001 standard for information security.

Since november 14th 2022, InScene Company BV is certified for ISO 27001.

ISO 27001 in practice

In practice, achieving ISO 27001 means that Networkapp safeguards the security of information in a number of ways, including: developing software securely, selecting and assessing its suppliers, minimising the amount of personal data collated, and implementing a backup and disaster-recovery plan.
More detailed information can be bound on our security en privacy page.

Would you like to know more about the certification? Check out our press release.

Awareness across the team

Everyone in our team is aware of what this means and we work in accordance with this standard at all times. The ISO toolkit software helps us monitor the information security management system we have in place. It also provides the evidence to show that we keep our word. It makes an inventory of the risks, sets up plans to deal with the risks, and monitors management procedures that are in place. This is all done to safeguard our high quality standards.


Original: Informatiebeveiliging gerelateerd aan het ontwikkelen en beheren van een digitaal platform ten behoeve van kennisdeling, informatieverstrekking en het verbinden van bezoekers en organisatoren van evenementen en deelnemers en beheerders van communities in overeenstemming met de Verklaring van Toepasselijkheid Inscene Company BV, 27 september 2023, versie 3.0.1

Translation: Information security related to developing and managing a digital platform for knowledge sharing, information distribution and connecting visitors and organizers of events and participants and administrators of communities in accordance with the Statement of Applicability Inscene Company BV, 27 september 2023, versie 3.0.1

Would you like to receive a copy of our certificate or the statement of applicability? Please contact us.

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