place a map in the app

Icon Programme Go to Programme -> tab Maps

Event map

Upload a map of your event. Make sure this is one image in jpg or png (max 2048×2048) format.

Click on Select file to upload or drag the document from your explorer to the field

Only one jpg item can be uploaded. A new map can be uploaded by following the same steps, the old document will be replaced by the new one.

Click Delete to delete the map completely

Exhibitors map

You can upload the exhibitors map here. Make sure this is one image in jpg or png (max 2048×2048) format.

Follow the steps as described above.

When the Exhibitors map is uploaded, a button Manage Floorplan will appear. When you click this button, you will see your previously created exhibitors list on the right, you can drag and drop the exhibitors to the correct location on the exhibitors map.

Note: Do you have an online event and do you need help setting up a virtual exhibitors map? Please contact us for examples and prices.

Exhibitor map Label

By default the name will be set to the name of the label given at Event Content -> Exhibitors tab. If preferred, change the name of the exhibitor floor plan.