Register for events

Your Networkapp community has a complete event agenda with registration and unsubscribe options for community members.

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Publish your event agenda in the community

Do you organize many events during the year? Then place your event agenda in the Community app. Members can see when the event will take place and can view the provisional program. And what’s even more fun: they can already see who else is coming.

You can also easily announce external events that are interesting for your members in the event agenda of your own community.

Choose the registration that suits your event

There are various registration options. In-app, with or without a preview of the event, or via a reference to a registration page or an event website. Do you have a private event? Then you work with personal event codes. Several combinations are possible depending on the type of event.

Add the Networkapp event app

Do you have a large event where networking is an important part? Then pair the complete event app to the community. Very easy, because members can then register for the events via the app or via your own registration page. Within the community app you can use the event app without additional costs (with the exception of the extra packages).

Ask additional registration questions

Just like with a separate Networkapp event, you can ask additional questions at events in the community agenda. Consider dietary requirements or interests. This way you create an event that fits seamlessly with the participants!

Integrate with event registration software

Does your event require more than an ‘I’m coming too’ registration? Then we work together with various event registration partners.

Build your event app demo in less than 15 minutes and try it out with your team.




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