Indicate the number of available seats (Advanced/Unlimited)

Specifying the number of available places is a feature of the Advanced and PRO plan. Check our Pricing page for more information about our plans and current prices.

  1. Go to Programme -> Tab Programme
  2. Click on the programme item where you want to insert a maximum number of available places.
  3. Scroll down to the field Spots Available
  4. Enter the maximum number of available places
    If there is no maximum, but you want to keep track of how many people have signed up, leave the prefilled number 9999.
  5. In order to be able to count the number of available places, the participants must be able to register in-app for the session. Check if the Is selectable option is checked.
  6. Click Save

    Note: The in-app Workshop Selection option must also be ticked in the overall program overview.

The number of available seats is now visible in the dashboard. You can find them in the program overview behind the sessions in question. The number counts down, so 25/40 means that there are still 25 places available and that 15 participants have registered.

When the session is fully booked, the word ‘Full’ will appear in the app and it will no longer be possible to register.