Evaluate the experiences of the participants

How did participants experience the event? Evaluate experiences by means of questionnaires.

Go to Engage -> Tab Questionnaire

This section allows you to ask questions before, during and after the event.
The difference between Polls and Questionnaire is that the results cannot be presented in the app.
The Questionnaire enables a participant to go back to their answer and altering their answer to the question.
In general this feature is suitable for an evaluation form, whereas Poll & Vote are used more interactively during the event.

    1. Click on

    2. Fill in:

      1. Button label: name of the in-app button, e.g. Evaluation

      2. Introduction text: a short introduction text or instruction on the purpose of the questionnaire

      3. Confirmation text: Closing text which is shown to the participant after answer the questions

      4. Header image: image shown above the questions

      5. Button visibility: visibility of the in-app button

        Button Visibility

      6. Click on Save

      7. Click on to add a question. Select the desired question form in the drop down menu.

      8. Only with the Unlimited package:
        Only for participants of Set up the questions per programme component, so registered participants are the only participants who can see those evaluation questions.
        Select the desired programme component from the drop down menu.
        Note: You can only target these participants when participants can register for these sessions in-app, or when a choice of session is imported via excel upload or a link to an external registration system.

      9. Click on Save

To view the answers click on
The overview of answers can be downloaden as Excel file via
Or you can save the overview as pdf, causing all bar charts to remain. Click above the browser on ‘File’ and select ‘Print’.
Select in the name field of the printer ‘Print to PDF’, click ok.